Products & Services

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Cot Grinding Machine

Table movement is on Hydraulic
Grinding Wheel movement is by manual
Center less Grinding attachment by manual
Grinding Principle – Wheel head stationery & table movement is on To and FRO.
Efficient dust collection unit is incorporated with the machine

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Eccentricity Taper And Tester

It is Fully Motorised for Eccentricity – checking Roller are coupled with electric motor & Taper Checking is also coupled with electric motor with 2 dial Gauge.
Machine can be operated with ON-OFF switch for eccentricity and Reverse- Forward switch can be used for Taper Checking.

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Top Roller De Greasing Machine

Machine has been design for proper cleaning of the Ring Frame & Roving Frame Top Roller Arbor.
Electric Motor of 0.50 HP 3 phase 1440 RPM coupled with Gear Box & Flushing Oil Pump for proper cleaning of the Top Roller.
Rotating disc with universal catch for holding the Top Roller in a proper rotation.

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Spindle Oil Maintenance Machine

Machine is having two Guns, one for Suction & Flushing and second one is for Topping of fresh Oil on a height level Guns are manufacture in our workshop with a special design for power full Suction & Flushing & other one is for Topping Fresh Oil as per the height level & returning excess oil dully filter by micro filter.
Machine is having two Tanks, one for flushing Oil having capacity of 35ltrs and second one for fresh Oil having capacity of 15ltrs each tank is equipped with micro filter.
Machine is having unique Gear Box attach with 4 Nos Oil Pump for proper function of Suction & Flushing and Topping of fresh Oil.

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Flock Clearer Roller Cleaning Machine

Driving Roller Of Metallic Wire Very Softly Touching The Surface Of The Flock Roller & Removing Fluffs & Dust.
Bottom Roller Of Metallic Brush Wire Which takes the drive directly from the Electric Motor attach with fan to exhaust the Air from the Fluffs & it store in the bottom of machine & it can be seen through the Window .
We have provided operating Panel with Electric Fittings attach to machines with MCB to connect the main power supply.

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Uv Top Roller Treatment Machine

UV Lamp of High Intensity of 4000W, one lamp in the machine Dr. Fischer German Group under Technology of Philips Holland with the Guaranty of excellent performance .
Life of the UV Lamp is 2200 to 2500 Working Hours with the treatment duration of 4 minutes for the Top Roller.
Electric Panel will be as per European Standard with contactor relay & MCB Switch.
A) Schlinder MCB & Contactor Relay, B) L & T main ON OFF Switch & Volt selector switch, Push Button.

Air Consumption * Aprons * Bobbin Transporting System * Borgosesia Rings * Center To Center * Comprises Cots * Conveyor Belts * Cot Grinding Machine * Cotmagic Slub Attachment * Cots * Display * Double Compact System * Eccentricity Taper And Tester * Flock Clearer Roller Cleaning Machine * Humidification And Dehumidification * Industrial Vacuum Cleaners * Led Flat Panel * Led Highbay Light * Led Street Light * Led Tube Light * Metal And Spark Diversion Systems * Overhead Travelling Cleaner * Planetary Gearbox * Power Transmission Belts * Products * Silver Can * Spindle Oil Maintenance Machine * Spindle Tapes * Testing Instruments * Top Roller De Greasing Machine * Tube Loader * Uv Top Roller Treatment Machine * Waste Collection Systems * Yarn Conditioning Systems * Yarn Cutter